the world is not enough

everything under the sky

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Aishwar has written about his opinion on my previous post as comments. Initially I felt compelled to reply to his opinion, in some sense my reply in my mind was trying to force a view that what I had written was right, but then I decided not to write. Everyone has a different opinion about any view and yet they all co-exist. I think that is one of the reasons that makes this planet a wonderful place.

But what I intend to do is that I would like to elaborate on my view in the previous post sometime soon. I think it suffers from a detailed breakdown on meaning, of what I wish to say.

Aishwar and Rajeev are going to India for their vacation and Aishwar should be coming here on Monday and I am looking forward to his visit. There will be a lot more discussion that will happen when the three of us get together and the views that we carry are divergent and yet they converge (more of a dichotomy here) which is what makes all the discussions very interesting.

So long...

Saturday, December 11, 2004

It is 12.45 AM. I was tossing on my bed unable to sleep, with a scrambled thought in my mind trying hard to take shape. Finally I got what I was trying to put together. Here it goes...

"To make a person feel whole and complete he needs just two other persons. One who will listen to him and the other to whom he would like to listen to."

Don't just read this like just another blog entry. Do try to ruminate on this and relate it to your own life. Do let me know if you find this true by writing your comments.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Slowly recovering from a stiff neck. This has been troubling me for the past few days. Anyway, I wanted to share a small story that set me thinking. It goes this way,

Long long ago, in a distant town, a piper was walking down the street playing a pipe. His music was so melodious that people on the streets started to dance. Even passers by who heard the music stopped by and started to dance to the music. It was a wonderful feeling. Then came along that street a deaf man. He saw a bunch of people moving around in a funny way. It did not make any sense to him and he started to wonder whether the people in that town have gone crazy and he stood there watching them unable to comprehend the situation. And he moved on...

I hope you can imagine it. Many a times we have looked at things around us, things that we couldn't comprehend or felt that it was unintelligible. We come to conclusions that it is "crazy" and move on. What we could have been missing is melodious music that we couldn't hear.

As human beings we function by judging everything around us. It is the way we have learnt to exist. Judgement arises based on the various elements like intelligence, sensory powers, intuition, randomness, knowledge etc., that we develop over the years either by reading, listening, experiencing, practicing or any of those infinite ways in which we could gain them. What we fail to recognize while we judge is the fact that the knowledge that we possess could be limited and may not be adequate enough to make a qualitative judgement. We might have been like that deaf man unable to hear the music.